❄️ J’ai voulu aller répandre un peu de joie et aider des gens dans le besoin. Avec 20$ j’ai pu acheter 13 petits burgers chez McDo en utilisant l’application mobile. Je me suis demandé longtemps si je filmerais ceci, avant d’en venir à la conclusion que le but de cette video est pour initier une vague de bonté. En tant que société il est important d’aider son prochain. Il y a trop de mauvais actes qui se produisent à travers le monde. Il est important de parsemer notre chemin avec de bonnes actions. Le monde de demain sera meilleur pour…


    Hi everyone!! Since I was 19 (and i’m now 25. Poor old lady..) I was always looking on Lulu’s website and always find the cutest dresses! Soo this spring is no exception here are my faves!! Every picture is link…


    I have to confess. I have an obsession with shopping online on wetseal.com. It’s pretty bad because I’m from Canada as you may know and they don’t make international delivery. Luckily for me, i live fairly close to a border…

  • Back to school furniture essentials

    Hi guys, Back to school is coming up really soon for some of you and i remember myself what i like the most about this time of the year was the shopping that comes with it. So I thought what…

  • Still in love with theses H&M home photos !!!

    Hi guys, I hope you guys are all doing awesome today. I had theses pictures for a while on my desktop because I like to switch them to my background. You know when sometimes you come across pictures that brings you…